From the producers of Secure Login
comes ...
Autofill Forms!
Autofill Forms enables you to fill out web forms with one click or a keyboard shortcut.
A set of customizable rules is used to determine the input for each form element.
You are able to edit, remove, enable/disable the provided rules and to add your own ones.
You can configure the order in which the rules are to be applied and define site specific rules.
Autofill Forms works not only with text input fields but as well with selections, checkboxes and radio buttons.
Autofill Forms only becomes active for the moment it autofills forms - so it doesn't use any system resources while surfing.
The rule set (, in might be a bit tricky to translate.
Make sure you don't remove any line feeds or tabs as these are used as separators for the rules and rule elements.
The best way to translate this string ( might be the following:- Complete all other locale strings and just copy the English locale string for this one
- Start Firefox with your locale setting and open up the
Autofill Forms settings
- Change the 'Name' values for each rule according to your locale
- If you know how to use Regular Expressions, you might as well adjust the 'Field rules' so form elements using 'name' attributes in your locale do match as well.
Example for the German locale:CODE
First Name => Vorname
Original (english) field rule:
Adjusted (german) field rule:
This way, the regular expression matches as well form fields with a german 'name' attribute ('vorname').
After you updated all the field rules using the
Autofill Forms settings, do the following:
- Close all Firefox windows
- In Firefox profile folder, open 'prefs.js'
- Search for the preference setting ''
- Copy the value of this preference setting (this is what you created by changing the
Autofill Forms settings) and use this string for the locale string in with the same name (
That's it!