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It's All Text! - Ver. 0.8.4

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#1 docwhat



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Posted 20 June 2007 - 07:26 PM

Creator: Christian Höltje
Ext. Version: 0.8.4

Extension is compatible to:
Firefox: 1.5 - 3.0pre
Flock: 0.4 - 0.8
Included locales: en-US
Description: Edit text using your favorite editor!

View on WTS -- Download the extension

Edited by Goofy, 24 January 2009 - 03:36 PM.

#2 markh


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Posted 20 June 2007 - 07:43 PM

Welcome! welcomeani.gif

Just a bit of information for you: in case you have some queries about the WTS, you can find short and simple Questions&Answers about it here!

In case you're looking for a specific translator, please see the list of available translators on BabelZilla.
When you select the desired one, you can send him/her a P.M. or an e-mail (if and when public).

You may also insert a new Topic in the Help Section, in order to ask for specific translations, to write a general request about missing translations, etc.
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#3 Goofy


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Posted 20 June 2007 - 10:07 PM

smile.gif Translators

There is a .png file to be "translated" in the locale, because there is the word "Edit" on the image.

Of course it is important your image is exactly the same dimension (width, height) and name as the original one.
In case you wish some help on that image, post a request in the Graphic Stuff Zone

Once you have done with the image, please attach it on a post here, I don't think the wts will accept the upload of an image.

--------- Just the same for the xhtml file that cannot be translated online and must be attached on a post when translated.
Think Global, Make Locales!

Sometimes I am on irc://moznet/BabelZilla
but you can also drop a word in the shoutbox

#4 docwhat



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Posted 21 June 2007 - 12:31 AM

Hello All!

I'm new to this so if I make a social faux pas (mistake) then please point it out. :-)

First, I feel I must thank everyone for the help! Thank you very much!

Pretty much all the text is frozen in prep. for version 1.0. I've got a little more code reorganization, but the text should be stable now.

I have an HG (mercurial) repository at http://hg.gerf.org/itsalltext/
You can get mercurial at http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/ if you want to do that.
Or you can grab pieces or the whole thing.

Though I'm happy to accept the files in any form. :-)

The readme.xhtml -- This is probably the most dynamic parts (due to faq). A translated version will probably require a link to the english one as the most up-to-date one. But I'm not worried right now.

Regarding the .PNG image:
The current code has the image dimensions hardcoded. However, I could make the image dimensions arbitrary, if a language requires more space (the button is rather small). However, the UI suffers if the image gets too busy.

I'm pretty amiable to moving bits and bobs around to accommodate translation.

Thank you very much!


#5 Goofy


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Posted 21 June 2007 - 07:08 AM

smile.gif About png images (again), in case it can help.
I am too goofy to understand how it works, but I remember one of our dev friends had used a kind of tricky code to be seen on that post to automatize the insertion of various languages text on the same image.
Think Global, Make Locales!

Sometimes I am on irc://moznet/BabelZilla
but you can also drop a word in the shoutbox

#6 teo


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Posted 22 June 2007 - 09:59 PM

Hi docwhat.
I like something combine with extensions. Especially with new. smile.gif You and your extension are new on BabelZilla and I play with.
I have many remarks, but will be better if you check my version of this extension. I'm waiting for your opinion.

Attached Files


#7 nico@nc


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Posted 28 June 2007 - 07:31 AM


Browse accesskey (in preferences.xul) should be localizable :

            <hbox align="right">
              <button oncommand="pref_editor_select();" label="&picker.label;"
              id="browse" accesskey="b" tabindex="1"/>

Wrap in about box would also be nice (as if the OS font is large, the message may be cut).

#8 teo


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Posted 28 June 2007 - 08:27 AM

QUOTE(nico@nc @ Jun 28 2007, 08:31) [snapback]30391[/snapback]
Browse accesskey (in preferences.xul) should be localizable :

Try mine version.

#9 nico@nc


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Posted 29 June 2007 - 12:35 PM

fr-FR completed, checked and released.
  • gumdrop.png : Attached File  gumdrop.png   957bytes   0 downloads
  • readme.xhtml : Attached File  readme.xhtml.zip   3.06KB   4 downloads (in a .zip archive, as html files are not allowed on IPB upload)


#10 jerone



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Posted 03 October 2007 - 03:34 PM

Just to let you know, a Dutch (nl-NL) translation is made. smile.gif

#11 l0stintranslation



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Posted 21 May 2008 - 11:29 AM


during the testing phase of your extension I've noticed the following things:
  • Localized description seems not working
  • Like in the previous version the accesskey of the "Browse" button in the Preferences window can't be translated
  • The "Hot Key" label in the Preferences window can't be translated

Could you fix these issues? Many thanks in advance cool.gif

Have a nice day,
Prima di fare qualsiasi cosa leggi qui, quo e Q & A!

#12 nico@nc


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Posted 28 July 2008 - 08:15 PM

French translation finally tested and released.

#13 nico@nc


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Posted 01 October 2008 - 04:46 PM


I noticed some problems with It's All Text 0.8.5:
  • the last fr-FR files aren't in the package so some of the strings are in English
  • the image and reade files are corrupted, so they can not be displayed; this is quite annoying for the picture... sad.gif

Could you please add the last translated files to the extension? As the readme.xhtml and gumdrop.png are corrupted when downloaded via the WTS, here is a .jar archive with the full locale: http://dl.free.fr/rtV9sMacT.

#14 AlleyKat


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Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:53 PM

As far as I can tell, the xhtml translation online works fine*. I'm not 100% done with the danish version yet (still missing a short part of the shell file instruction), but it's fully usable to most users now so don't hesitate to use it.

So, danish in QA thus far, but almost done.

I can't get the PNG to upload into WTS as Goofy has also stated, so here it goes: Attached File  gumdrop.png   1.12KB   0 downloads <- danish gumdrop image, courtesy of BBZ da translator Jørgen Rasmussen - please include his name also, if you include translator names in any About or such boxes. Code in itsalltext.properties has been set to fit this image.

* EDIT: Well, works fine as in I can see and edit the contents in the WTS, not sure about final result... so to make sure, I include the current almost-complete version here: Attached File  readme.zip   3.03KB   1 downloads
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen,

Danish localizer AlleyKat // Finn Sørensen ::

#15 luiso20



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Posted 27 October 2008 - 12:37 PM


I can't open the image, How can I make it?

How upload a file here? I've finished the readme.xhtml in spanish.

#16 markh


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Posted 27 October 2008 - 01:00 PM

QUOTE (luiso20 @ Oct 27 2008, 13:37) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How upload a file here? I've finished the readme.xhtml in spanish.

You can use the Upload link provided on the WTS page of your locale. It is now possible to edit all kinds of text files (including xhtml) online, so you can try that.

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#17 luiso20



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Posted 27 October 2008 - 01:14 PM

QUOTE (markh @ Oct 27 2008, 13:00) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You can use the Upload link provided on the WTS page of your locale. It is now possible to edit all kinds of text files (including xhtml) online, so you can try that.



And the image? I can´t open it.

#18 markh


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Posted 27 October 2008 - 01:25 PM

QUOTE (luiso20 @ Oct 27 2008, 14:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

And the image? I can´t open it.

You can extract it from the xpi after you downloaded that.
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#19 luiso20



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Posted 27 October 2008 - 02:08 PM

QUOTE (luiso20 @ Oct 27 2008, 13:14) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

And the image? I can´t open it.

I fix my own problem, I have the image rolleyes.gif

#20 luiso20



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Posted 30 October 2008 - 01:49 PM


This is the button: Attached File  gumdrop.png   1.06KB   0 downloads
And the Readme: Attached File  readme.zip   3KB   0 downloads

In Spanish.

(The Readme in .zip 'cause I get an error when I try upload a xhtml archive).

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